Instantly Get Paid For Surveys

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Interesting Surveys

Give your opinion and answer some questions and you can earn a hefty amount! Ever heard of Paid Surveys?

If you want to earn full-time income with Paid-Surveys --> Click Here


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    Friday, October 26, 2007

    Using Surveys to Gather Valuable Customer Data

    Give your opinion and answer some questions and you can earn a hefty amount! Ever heard of Paid Surveys?

    If you want to earn full-time income with Paid-Surveys --> Click Here


    The more you know about your customers, the better you'll understand them. And the better you understand them, the better you'll be able to sell to them.

    One of the best ways to collect this information is by creating a quick online survey.

    The data you collect from customer surveys can be invaluable to the operation of your business.

    Survey results allow you to examine your marketing strategy and ask important questions like:

    - Are you promoting the fact that you have a huge product range, when what your customers actually want is extended operating hours?

    - Are you promoting your products as technically superior when what your customers really care about its ease-of-use?

    - Are you heavily promoting cheap prices when what your customers are more concerned about is customer support?

    If you take the time to ask, you'll be surprised at how helpful your customers can be.

    To begin with, the two key areas you want to explore are Demographics and Psychographics.

    Demographics identify 'Who is your customer?', and Psychographics asks 'Why does your customer buy?'

    When collecting demographic information, you're trying to find out what the profile of your ideal customer is. When collecting psychographic information you're trying to determine what motivates your ideal customer to buy.

    Here is some of the information you'll want to gather from your customers.

    Demographic Questions

    - Are they male or female? - How old are they? - Are they married, single or divorced? - What is their average household income? - Where do they spend the majority of their time online? - What are their interests?

    Psychographic Questions

    Of the people who purchased your product or service...

    - What do they think of your product or service? - Why did they buy your product or service? - What do they like about your product or service? - What do they dislike about your product or service? - How do they think you could improve your product or service?

    Of the people who didn't purchase your product or service...

    - Why didn't they buy from you? - Do they feel you are overpriced? Underpriced? - How did they say you could improve your offer? - How do they think you could improve your product or service?

    What's the Best Time to Collect Customer Information?

    The best time to collect this valuable customer information is at the time of purchase (or directly after). The other option is to offer some form of an incentive in exchange for filling out the survey.

    What Sort of Incentive Should I Offer?

    Remember, you'll get a much better response to your email surveys if you offer something of value in exchange for their personal information.

    This can be in the form of a:

    - Free report - Prize - Discount off their next order - Offer with a high perceived value

    Adrian Mullan is the author of 'The Internet Demystified' and founder of - a popular Internet marketing resource for small business owners.

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    Surveys = Profits

    Give your opinion and answer some questions and you can earn a hefty amount! Ever heard of Paid Surveys?

    If you want to earn full-time income with Paid-Surveys --> Click Here


    Without a shadow of a doubt, the easiest way to increase the bottom line of your business is to survey your clients.

    Now that my be your existing data base or to survey your target market, if you do not know what it is that people want to buy then How in the hell do you know what to sell to them.

    This statement seems logical "Ask your clients what they want and then sell it to them"

    But time after time people go into business and sell what they make rather than make what they can sell.

    It's mind boggling when you talk to people who have just started a business thinking I have a great idea that everyone will want.

    So be it, it might be a good product but a little due diligence will go a long way.

    How about doing a little market research to see if there really is a demand for your idea that you think there is.

    The best part is, now with the Internet you can do market research without breaking the bank.

    How many business ideas could you have saved time, money and the frustration of not pursuing it, if you did some research to really find out whether or not you were going to make any money in the first place?

    There is a software program called: it is free to use and allows you to do exactly what I have been talking about.

    Test potential market places or survey your existing client base to find out exactly what they are looking for in your product or service and how you can tap into their mindset and deliver more than they expect.

    It's a win-win for everybody :-)

    So check it out

    What do you have to lose?

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    Wednesday, October 24, 2007

    Employee Communication Surveys: Seven Tips For Successful Design and Implementation

    Give your opinion and answer some questions and you can earn a hefty amount! Ever heard of Paid Surveys?

    If you want to earn full-time income with Paid-Surveys --> Click Here


    Organization Communication Problems?

    So, your organization is suffering from poor communication practices. John complains that his boss never tells him anything. Sally is expected to come up with sales targets without being briefed on this year's company strategy.

    Where do you start in improving ineffective communication between people? A good first step in fixing communication problems in any organization is to survey employees. Even if there are no obvious problems, surveys can help get an organization to the next level of performance.

    What are the benefits you would expect to see in conducting a communication survey and acting on the results? Well, you could experience some of the following:

    * improved employee satisfaction
    * lower turnover
    * reduced absenteeism
    * less political infighting
    * greater levels of manager-worker trust
    * reduced defect rates
    * higher customer satisfaction

    A well-run survey can give your organization these benefits. However, a poorly conducted survey can have the opposite effect. Surveys badly planned, rolled out and followed up can actually increase employee cynicism and resistance to change. It may also worsen employee turnover and absenteeism. And this impacts on customer satisfaction and your bottom line.

    Communication Survey Tips

    So, what do you need to consider before rolling out your survey? Here are seven useful tips to get you heading in the right direction.

    Question types

    Include in your survey questions requiring limited tick-the-box responses, such as Yes/No and Strongly Agree/Agree/Disagree/Strongly Disagree. Including these questions will allow you to perform quantitative analyses that you can use to compare results between different demographics and to use as a benchmark for future surveys.

    However, just as importantly, allow provision for free form comments. Everything that people will want to say will not fit into your pre-packaged boxes. A good idea is to run Focus Groups with a random sample of survey respondents after the survey forms have been collected and analyzed. These discussion groups are invaluable in performing a sanity check on your results so far and in teasing out issues that have surfaced in the written survey.


    Guarantee absolute anonymity for the people completing the survey and make this clear in the survey instructions. Some employees will either not complete the survey or give sanitized answers if they believe that their identity will be disclosed with their answers and comments.

    Sample size

    Should you survey the whole organization/department or a select group? Preferably, survey all employees as this gives everyone a sense of being listened to. If the organization/department is excessively large or budget is tight, draw a random sample from each of the demographic groups that you will be reporting on.

    If your selection is not random, the survey results will not be representative and you will lose credibility with your client managers and employees. If a demographic group comprises 50 people or less, you will need to survey 100 percent of the people within that group.

    Mode of delivery

    If the people completing the survey are small in number and at the one location, then hardcopy distribution will not be a problem. As the number of respondents increase and the locations become more dispersed, give more consideration to the need for electronic distribution. Think about putting the survey on a local intranet or internet web server.

    To make filling out the form easy for people, have it so that the form can be completed online. If this is not possible, either send the form by email or put it on an accessible server from which people can download it. If your survey respondents are not comfortable with technology, then be wary of online options and provide plenty of employee support if you decide to go down that road.

    Inducements and Reminders

    Survey participation rates are typically ten percent or less. You can dramatically improve on this completion rate by conducting some simple follow up. As you get closer to the survey cut-off date (of course, you will have publicized that date with your survey), send out an email reminder or have someone call the respondents personally. Advertising a prize to go to the first to complete the surveys will also increase the participation rate.

    Distribute results

    Once the results are in and analyzed, distribute your findings first to your client managers and then to employees. Withholding results from employees will only breed cynicism and distrust and make your next survey all that more difficult to get a satisfactory response rate.

    Break down your results into meaningful groups, such as by department or by region. The reporting groupings need to be small enough that people can identify with the group enough for a meaningful action plan to be developed.

    Be prepared for some kickback from defensive managers. Frank employee feedback is both confronting and jarring, especially for those managers not used to it. Use your best facilitation skills to deliver the key messages. If you are in a politically charged environment, use a professional facilitator to perform this sensitive task.

    Follow up and Rewards

    A survey conducted with no plan for action is not only a waste of resources but will leave employees asking why they bothered to feedback to managers how they felt. Work with each manager to construct an action plan that they agree with. Remember, it is the manager that will be implementing the plan, not you. Get back with each manager three or six months later to review how they are progressing with their plan and report the results to the organization. As you see communication practices improve across the organization, make sure that managers get rewarded.

    By following the above tips, you're sure to get the most benefit from your employee communication survey. The key is to leave room for free form comments on the survey form whilst guaranteeing that participants will not be identified in the results. Make the survey accessible and follow up to ensure that a sufficient number of people respond. You can maximize your response rate by offering rewards. After analyzing the results, distribute to all employees. A survey report ignored is a survey wasted, so develop an action plan and follow up with managers.

    2006 ? Business Performance Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.

    Vicki Heath is the Director of Business Performance Pty Ltd, a company providing practical online information and resources. Her company's guides, tools and templates assist organizations engage and develop people, manage organizational change and improve project delivery. Visit her at to download a ready-to-go Organization Communication Assessment Survey.

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    Tuesday, October 23, 2007

    The basics of paid surveys

    Give your opinion and answer some questions and you can earn a hefty amount! Ever heard of Paid Surveys?

    If you want to earn full-time income with Paid-Surveys --> Click Here


    Why do companies conduct surveys? To top it, why do companies pay for participating in a survey? This small write-up will help you understand the basics of survey and the paid form of surveys.

    Survey is nothing but data or information collection. This information is processed to arrive at a useful conclusion. This useful conclusion may be in the form of new product or better customer service or larger distribution network. All of this is done to enhance customer satisfaction about a product. Surveys are essentially statistical in nature. The non-statistical approach to people's opinion is termed focus group interviews. Focus group interviews hover around qualitative aspects of people's opinion about a product. Surveys are conducted over a large number of people against very few in case of focus group interviews. Person participating in a survey is called respondent. Questions are asked her regarding her perception about a product. Surveys try to understand overall perception of the population based on the responses of the people surveyed. The group of people surveyed is called sample.

    The findings from the sample are treated to be as though these have come from the whole population. For example, survey about new features in a car will have only couple of thousands of respondents across the country. However, the aggregate response from these couple of thousand of people will be treated as if it had come from the whole car owners' population in the country.

    Surveys are conducted in various ways - paper, email, snail mail, telephone and online. While each has its own set of pro's and con's, paper surveys have been most popular in the past. With so many surveys being conducted by as many companies, participants have started losing interest and involvement in the process. This has offered the impetus to online surveys where people can fill the questionnaire in their leisure time, and can even think of skipping some. There is no obligation and necessity to complete the surveys. The large number of surveys has discouraged people from participating in surveys. This reason alone has resulted into offering incentives to people to participate in surveys. This is where the story of paid surveys start. paid surveys are voluntary in nature - you need not take part in each and every survey. If you qualify, you are paid for taking part. This is a win-win situation for all the three - participant, research agency and the company for whom survey is being conducted.

    Dave is the owner of and websites providing information on paid surveys and scams.

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    Monday, October 22, 2007

    Simple Steps To Taking Paid Surveys Online

    Give your opinion and answer some questions and you can earn a hefty amount! Ever heard of Paid Surveys?

    If you want to earn full-time income with Paid-Surveys --> Click Here


    <br><p>Did you know that every year companies world wide spend an excessive amount of $250 billion dollars trying to sell their products and services. Almost a billion of this money spent goes straight into market research. And this is why online paid surveys pay so much.<p>
    If you spent a couple of million dollars developing a new product you'd want to make sure people like it and you'd also want to know all things that people don't like about it. Paid surveys are a perfect place to test new products and services before companies launch them publicly. <p>
    There are currently an estimate of 7,500,000 million companies throughout the world that pay for surveys offline and online. However due to the popularity of the internet surveys are recently been very popular and a good source of income for some people. If you did enough high paying surveys you can actually turn it into a side job or even a full time job. It's a perfect home based businesses for moms, students or anyone who's looking to work their own hours.<p>
    How Does Online Paid Surveys Work?<p>
    When a company decides to trial their new product or services they contact market research companies who have a list of database of consumers. Companies then have the advantage of testing their product or services on particular groups of people. Survey participants are then paid after each survey is complete by cash or cheque. However surveys are also conducted over the phone or in person and usually pay a high rate since it is not as convenient as an online survey.<p>
    Before you participate in a survey the market research companies usually profile you by giving you simple questions. Once they are able to place you in a profile you'll be called upon according to your profile to test various products and services. Some surveys may include:<p>
    * Watching movies
    * Test driving a car
    * Cosmetics
    * Opinions on a product or service
    * And much more<p>
    The Advantages of Paid Online Surveys
    You can do it at your own pace in the comfort on your home or office. You choose the hours to work and you'll get paid according to what you've just surveyed. Additional income for some people and a full time job for some.<p>
    The Disadvantages of Paid Online Surveys
    It might cost a fair bit to sign up to the paid survey database services who have all the connections with the marketing research companies. However you only pay this fee once and some paid online survey websites even offer a money back guarantee so you can try all of them out until you're happy with one.<br><h1>About the Author</h1>
    <p>Top 5 Online <a rel="nofollow" href=">Paid Survey</a> websites reviewed side-by-side. Find out which <a rel="nofollow" href=">Paid Survey</a> is our number 1 pick.


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    Myspace Surveys

    Give your opinion and answer some questions and you can earn a hefty amount! Ever heard of Paid Surveys?

    If you want to earn full-time income with Paid-Surveys --> Click Here


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    Friday, October 19, 2007

    Are Paid Surveys For Real?

    Give your opinion and answer some questions and you can earn a hefty amount! Ever heard of Paid Surveys?

    If you want to earn full-time income with Paid-Surveys --> Click Here


    Do you prefer Frosted Flakes or Raisin Bran? What kind of car do you think you'll buy next? Can you name 10 brands of beer?

    If you think it might be fun to answer questions like the ones above, you're a good candidate to take paid surveys.

    While some people still find it hard to believe, it's absolutely true that companies are willing to pay you to take surveys. Why? It's simple; your opinions matter.

    For example, before a company releases (or even makes) a product, they need to know if it's a good idea. After all, they don't want to incur the huge costs of creating and marketing something that won't sell. So they hire a market research company to survey people (like you) and find out what they think.

    Similarly, some companies just want to identify trends or discover ways of improving existing products. Do you prefer their product or one of their competitor's? Why? Is it cost? Is it quality? Something else? If you could change their product to make it better, what would you tweak? All of that information is incredibly valuable to a company. And they're willing to pay for it.

    That's where you come in.

    All you need to do is join a market research panel. The more panels you join, the more paid surveys you'll get. The good news: there are a lot of panels online and they're all free to join. The bad news: there are a lot of panels online.

    Finding the best companies to join is difficult. But you have a few options.

    1) Do it yourself.

    You can search online for market research companies, ask friends who may have experience taking paid surveys, etc. This can be pretty time consuming. Another difficulty may be trying to decipher which market research companies send frequent surveys or which ones pay the most. Why take the time to join a company if they're defunct, rarely send surveys, or pay minuscule amounts for your time? You'll either never receive any paid surveys or those that you do get won't be worth taking.

    2) Pay a web site.

    There are many web sites which claim to have extensive lists of companies that will pay to take surveys. Most of these sites charge people $35 - $50 to gain access to their list. If you go this route, make sure the list only contains active companies (so you don't waste time on companies that no longer exist) and gives details about which ones are the best to join. It's also a good idea to verify the site offers a money-back satisfaction guarantee. If you're not happy with the list or promises of riches that never materialize (some of the sites make pretty lofty claims about possible income), don't be shy about asking for a refund.

    3) Visit a free web site.

    If you don't want to shell out the cash, finding a web site that offers a list for free is your best option. You probably won't find a list as large as the pay sites offer but you should be able to discover at least a dozen quality companies worth joining. For most people, that's more than enough to keep them busy.

    Whatever path you take on your way to becoming a paid survey expert, it's important to remember one thing: taking paid surveys is a hobby, not a job. Keep that in mind and you'll always enjoy it.

    The author is the webmaster of, a directory of honest companies that reward people for doing things online - like taking surveys, accepting offers, and reading email.

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    Tuesday, October 16, 2007

    Earn Extra Income Taking Paid Surveys

    Give your opinion and answer some questions and you can earn a hefty amount! Ever heard of Paid Surveys?

    If you want to earn full-time income with Paid-Surveys --> Click Here


    Most people spend their time on the computer chatting, checking emails, playing online games, and general time wasting. A lot of people don't realise this but the internet has so many opportunities for an individual to make money online. So far one of the most efficient ways to make money online is by taking an online paid survey.

    An online paid survey means that you get paid per survey that you complete. Great that means I'll just do a hundred a day and I won't have to work for anyone but myself. If only life were this easy. Before we go into detail about how it all works lets start with what is a paid survey.

    A paid survey is conducted by a market research company who works for a company that's testing out their new product or service. In general a paid survey is for companies to test out the market and get some general feed back to how they should develop or market there new product or service.

    How To Start Now if you're interested in participating in online paid survey you'll have to sign up with a paid survey service. They have all the necessary connections with the marketing companies and when there is a particular survey to be conducted they will contact you via email and if you're interested you can response and be a part of the survey.

    How Much Does It Cost? When signing up to a paid survey service you'll have to pay a setup fee. Depending on the survey site it might give you a money back guarantee. In general you'll expect to pay anywhere between $50 to $150.

    How Do I Request For A Survey? In general you'll have to fill out a questionnaire that will in turn profile you into a group. Once you've been profiled you'll be assigned surveys according to your profile. This helps companies get a more accurate survey on their product and services. However some survey sites don't guarantee you any work so be careful and read the fine print. It there's no guarantee then at least look for a money back guarantee.

    How Long Does It Take To Complete A Survey? In can take anywhere between 15mins to an hour or more. It really depends on the type of survey you take

    How Do I Get Paid? Some paid survey agencies off to pay cash, cheque or through pay pal.

    Top 5 Online Paid Survey websites reviewed side-by-side. Find out which Paid Survey is our number 1 pick.

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    Monday, October 15, 2007

    Surveys Company

    Give your opinion and answer some questions and you can earn a hefty amount! Ever heard of Paid Surveys?

    If you want to earn full-time income with Paid-Surveys --> Click Here


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    Thursday, October 11, 2007

    How To Make Money With Online Surveys

    Give your opinion and answer some questions and you can earn a hefty amount! Ever heard of Paid Surveys?

    If you want to earn full-time income with Paid-Surveys --> Click Here


    If you?re got some spare time and you?d like to make some money without much work, online surveys are just the thing for you. With a computer and a little advice, you?ll be all set to make some extra cash for you and your family.

    Be realistic

    You first have to realize that when you take online surveys, you won?t be paid thousands of dollars. In fact, the people that do take online surveys regularly will usually say that the best way to make more money is to take more surveys.

    You?ll need to sign up for a few different online survey sites in order to have a constant stream of surveys to complete.

    Watching out for scams

    When you do see ads to take online surveys that supposedly pay thousands of dollars, you can be certain that these aren?t legitimate claims.

    In order to make money with online surveys, you will need to file your information with reputable companies. These are easy to find by looking for the company information to see if they give you ways to contact them. Those companies that seem to be hiding from you usually have a reason.

    And if the company tells you that you need to pay money in order to make money, then go to another web site. You shouldn?t have to pay to earn extra money.

    Market research

    One of the best ways to make some extra money or earn some free products is to participate in market research surveys. These tend to come from the big name companies that want to know what their customers think. You?ll answer questions about their products and give suggestions about ways that they could improve.

    In many cases, you can be rewarded with free products or cash payments.

    Focus groups

    Another way to make money online is to become a part of a focus group. This is an invitation from a company to set with other customers and discuss a particular product or service. You can also do these online in the form of chat rooms and message boards.

    You are usually compensated for the time or the amount of information that you give to the company about the product.

    Following the rules

    The most simple advice for making money for doing online surveys is to make sure that you?re completing the surveys in their entirety as well as giving your correct contact information.

    What many people don?t realize is that you may need to confirm your email address before you will receive new surveys to do. Check your email after you first register with an online survey web site to see if there are any other steps that you need to follow.

    And check your junk email box too, as this important email may have landed in there.

    Online surveys are a great way to make a little extra money when you have a little extra time on your hands. And you don?t have to get dressed up to do it.

    Daphne Cameron is an online marketer and owner of and where you can find useful tips on making money with surveys.

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    Tuesday, October 9, 2007

    Making Money With Paid Surveys

    Give your opinion and answer some questions and you can earn a hefty amount! Ever heard of Paid Surveys?

    If you want to earn full-time income with Paid-Surveys --> Click Here


    Completing paid surveys is an easy way to make extra money while not leaving the comfort of your own home. It's easy money, no experience necessary and most of the time there is no membership fee. Companies need to have your valuable input on their products and for that; they offer prizes, money, gifts, trips, all the bells and whistles. If you have a computer that is connected to the internet, you are in business. And the money from these surveys can go as far as to double and triple your income, depending on how much time you spend in front of the computer. Your income level is left entirely up to you and the number of surveys you fill out.

    How it works is that brand name merchandisers like Sony, Whirlpool, Chef Boy-ar- Dee, who are looking for consumer opinions on their products, their advertising methods, everything that touches the public produces a survey and enters it with a survey company. The way they obtain the desired public information is by soliciting it through the surveys. And that is where you come in. There are literally 100's of paid survey websites out there.

    Pick one and try it out. Once you are enrolled, they will send the surveys directly to your mailbox. You then have the choice to accept it or not. Short entry-level surveys, or screeners usually pay in gifts - DVD players, things like that. When you participate in the full survey, then you will be paid for those that you do complete. They try to match the surveys to your skills, abilities and preferences, so you get ones you like. And it's just that simple.

    When choosing a company to enroll with, look for these few things. * What is the membership fee? * Is the company entered with BBB? * Check to see that your email name and info will not be sold to another company. * Do they provide any testimonials on their website

    Here is one way to make some extra money, on the web that is very straightforward. If you want to make some extra money - here is a simple, no-risk way to add to your bank account.

    This article was written by T.Potter. You can visit Guide To Paid Surveys for further information and survey resources.

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    Monday, October 8, 2007

    Make Extra Money By Taking Paid Surveys Online

    Give your opinion and answer some questions and you can earn a hefty amount! Ever heard of Paid Surveys?

    If you want to earn full-time income with Paid-Surveys --> Click Here


    So many households these days face a challenging economic dilemma. How can we generate some additional income yet still allow time for the kids and the general responsibilities of home management?

    In the days before the internet many found the solution to this with home mailing and assembly opportunities. Today, however, the net has brought us the unique part time job of taking paid surveys online.

    By taking paid surveys online you are providing customer experience information to companies seeking to improve their products and services. In exchange for your time you receive compensation and a chance to help your fellow consumers by guiding merchants with your input.

    The exploding popularity of taking paid surveys online has created an onslaught of interest in these types of opportunities. Because of this many prospective survey takers feel compelled to subscribe to a referral service to secure a relationship with the right survey company.

    It can get a little sticky here because most of the referral agencies that offer paid surveys online are fee based and typically there is no guarantee that one will secure any real employment once your subscription is paid.

    It helps to work with a service whose reputation has been thoroughly researched or has been recommended to you by a friend or other reliable source.

    Once connected with the right company you should start to receive legitimate survey work. You'll receive your assignments by email and you should expect to spend about fifteen minutes or so completing paid surveys online. Compensation varies and you'll receive your fee either by check or PayPal transfer.

    Obviously anyone seeking genuine scheduling flexibility and decent spare income would be hard pressed to find a better opportunity than taking paid surveys online.

    Perhaps the biggest challenge is finding the right company work with. After that, all you need is an internet connected computer and some enthusiastic consumer energy. Good luck finding a great part time job taking computer surveys online.

    My site provides information on taking paid surveys online

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    What You Need To Know About Getting Paid For Surveys

    Give your opinion and answer some questions and you can earn a hefty amount! Ever heard of Paid Surveys?

    If you want to earn full-time income with Paid-Surveys --> Click Here


    Robbie Fanucchi

    A lot of people new to making money on the internet jump at the opportunity to get paid for taking surveys. After all, what's easier than getting paid for your opinions?

    Beware! There are a lot of scams in this category. Many companies have outdated contact lists, links that don't work, no customer service available and lots of surveys that pay little to nothing.

    However, one company stands out as reliable and profitable: Survey Scout. This program is perfect for the mother who has a few minutes to spare between doing the chores and picking up the kids. Even experienced e-entrepreneurs can benefit. If you're unhappy with the day's internet sales, simply fill out a few surveys and pocket some extra cash.

    Survey Scout offers access to a database of companies that will pay you to take their surveys. Unlike most, Survey Scout keeps it's list current and deals with many reliable companies like eBay, PayPal and many more.

    The one time fee gives you access to the websites that pay you to take surveys. Sure, you could research and compile your own list, but there are literally thousands of companies out there wanting your survey. Of these thousands, many are not legitimate: they don't pay and the survey is just an excuse to SPAM you unmercifully. How much effort and time do you think it would take to weed out the gems from the duds? Lots!

    Survey Scout also promotes a forum where you get advice on finding good surveys as well as a very helpful beginners guide. You also receive some auto submitter software. All this is well worth the $34.95 one time fee.

    There are several types of surveys available on Survey Scout:

    1. Online surveys paying from $5 to $75.

    2. Focus groups that can pay up to $150 per hour.

    3. Phone surveys: up to $120 per hour.

    4. Getting paid to try new products.

    5. Getting paid to preview movie trailers, paying anywhere from $4 to $25 per hour.

    In a category awash with fly by night internet survey companies, Survey Scout stands above the rest. For more information on Survey Scout see this link:

    Robbie Fanucchi is a full time e-entrepreneur. He is a member of IAHBE(International Association of Home Business Owners. His website is dedicated to finding the best home based business ideas and opportunities:

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    Thursday, October 4, 2007

    Paid Survey FAQs - Why And How People Are Taking Surveys Online

    Give your opinion and answer some questions and you can earn a hefty amount! Ever heard of Paid Surveys?

    If you want to earn full-time income with Paid-Surveys --> Click Here


    Anywhere you go online nowadays, you will see an ad offering to pay you cash for your opinion. Whether it's a paid survey or focus group, the idea is the same - market research companies want your opinion and are willing to give you cash and free merchandise for you to spend your time filling out their surveys.

    In this article, we will clear up the mystery surrounding "paid surveys".

    What is a paid survey?

    A paid survey, or "market research survey", is a series of questions that are presented to either an individual, or group of individuals, to see how they perceive and respond to certain products or services. Each and every person fits into some type of demographic (segments of human populations broken down by age, sex, income, etc.), that certain products or services are marketed to. For instance, athletic equipment may be marketed towards a younger, physically active demographic, while luxury cars might be marketed towards a higher income demographic. These online surveys are offered for free as a means to understand certain markets better.

    What is a focus group?

    A focus group is another type of survey where a group of individuals are invited to discuss a certain topic related to the company that sponsors the focus group. You may or may not know the point of the discussion and they are often hosted by a moderator that will guide the discussion. These focus groups can be held at a physical location or online and usually lasts between 30 minutes to 2 hours. The compensation can range from up to , depending on the topic and time involved.

    Why is my opinion so important?

    Companies spend hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars on advertising for new and/or existing products and services. These "advertising campaigns" can sometimes be a complete waste of time and money if the company does not research the market that they are trying to capture. So it makes sense for a company to see how it's products or services are received by the public, before it invests the money and time on advertising. This is where the market research survey comes in, and this is why your opinion is so important.

    I understand all that, but why would they pay me money?

    The answer to this question is very easy and boils down to one thing; Your time is worth their money! Think about it this way...if you are going to introduce a new type of tennis racket into the market, but you're unsure if it's needed or wanted, would you rather spend thousands of dollars on advertising, or simply pay 50 tennis players and find out their opinion about tennis rackets?

    Okay, so how much can I really make taking paid surveys?

    Compensation from survey companies can range from $1 up to $75 per survey, and most surveys take around 6-12 minutes to complete. There are some companies that offer points for completing a survey, and those points can then be redeemed for gift certificates, merchandise, cash and prizes. You can even be entered into raffles for prizes after completing certain surveys. No matter what the compensation, all legitimate survey companies will tell you up front, before you begin the survey, what the compensation will be. The more you take, the more you make.

    How am I paid, and is that money taxed?

    The market research company that sponsors the survey or focus group will send you your compensation, usually by mail. The money that they tell you the survey is worth is the amount you will receive by check. It is entirely possible to receive multiple checks from multiple research companies at various times of the month. Since you will be operating as an independent contractor, you are responsible for filing taxes on all the money earned you have earned.

    Is there a limit to the number of paid surveys I can take?

    There is no limit to the amount of surveys or focus groups you can participate in online. You can offer your opinion every day, all day and get paid for it.

    Who is eligible to take a paid survey?

    Almost anyone is eligible to sign up for and take online surveys, although some companies may have certain age restrictions. Some companies will allow surveys to be completed by people 13 years of age or older, while other survey companies require you to be 18 years of age or older.

    Do I need to fit a certain profile to participate in a paid survey?

    When you register with a market research company, you are asked a preliminary set of questions to figure out what type of profile you have. That profile will be used to determine what surveys and focus groups you will be invited to participate in. Since there are hundreds of research companies that sponsor surveys, the more you sign up with will increase the number of paid surveys are offered to you.

    What kinds of questions are asked on paid surveys?

    You are asked a wide range of questions, such as where you prefer to shop or what kind of shampoo you use. You will be asked about products that you have tried and what products you continue to buy. The questions on research surveys are given to better understand the different markets the company is trying to capture, which is why your answers are so valuable to them.

    Will I be ever required to pay to take an online survey?

    There are many paid survey opportunities on the internet, and they all are offered 100% free of charge. However, there are a few paid survey directory websites ("paid survey programs") that charge a fee to join. They have spent their time researching all the paid surveys online to find the legitimate ones, and have listed them all in one spot. The one time sign-up fee that is charged by these websites are to maintain their directory and keep their paid survey list up to date and accurate.

    Are these paid survey programs worth the money?

    Yes. In our opinion, they are very worth the money. These paid survey programs have established relationships with hundreds of survey companies (more than we offer) and provide an invaluable resource for you to find quality paid surveys in one convenient location. For your initial sign-up fee, you get access to every paid survey company in their directory and save you time by weeding out the scams and fraudulent survey companies.

    I heard that paid survey programs are a scam - Is it true?

    The simple answer is no. But of course, nothing is that simple. A lot of people want things for free, and when they have to pay, they end up expecting the world. They want to sign up, pay the money and then go to their mailbox and start collecting checks. They don't realize that there still is work involved. But the underlying point is that these paid survey programs deliver on exactly what they advertise - access to their database listing 100's of market research companies. Remember, the bottom line is that if you don't like what they offer, you are entitled to your money back and they deliver on that, too.

    In conclusion

    It's very important to do all your research and find out all that you can about the paid survey you are going to take, and the market research company that you are signing up with. You can definitely make some good money online, so good luck and have fun!

    This article was written by G. Garcia, owner of which lists top survey panels in their free paid surveys directory.

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    Make Money Online With High-Paying Surveys, Auto-Surfing, and Data Entry, Using Very Little Money

    Give your opinion and answer some questions and you can earn a hefty amount! Ever heard of Paid Surveys?

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    With the advent of the internet, a new world of hope and opportunities has been made available to everyone. The problem is, this same world has been laden with many scams and con- artists as well, taking advantage of people looking to make a good income online. While there are almost an unlimited amount of ways to make money online, I will just focus on the three methods that have personally made me a fortune and hope that someday it will do the same for you.

    Method One: Paid Surveys Online This first method has been made quite popular in recent years due to its ease and speed of making money. You get paid on a one-time basis by various companies to take a survey of your opinions about either an idea, product, movie, or any consumer item you can think of. These companies pay money for real people to evaluate their products because they need legitimate, real-world opinions about how good or bad their products are, or if there are any flaws associated with them. It is done all the time and it is very cost-effective for these companies to do these surveys, rather than go ahead with mass production and simply put the product out on the mass market, untested, where it may or may not be successful.

    There are always new products being put out by successful companies so that they can stay competitive in today's fast-paced world, thus ensuring that there will always be a steady flow of surveys that will pay anyone to evaluate their products. This is how anyone can make a decent living if they wish to pursue this type of occupation full-time.

    Paid surveys are subjected to frauds and scam artists because some unscrupulous individuals actually trick you into taking their surveys that claim they pay you, but never do. The real objective of these scammers is to collect your personal information, bombard it with spam and unsolicited advertisements, and maybe even sell your personal information to other third-parties.

    The most common method of scamming people is to get someone to join their paid survey program, fill in their personal information, and then take a few surveys. This is what legitimate paid survey programs do. However, when you take the scam-surveys, they ask you questions, you answer them, and then are redirected to another website that asks for more personal information, and sometimes money from you. A legitimate paid survey would never or almost never ask you for money from you or more personal information other than the information you already gave them when you first agreed to take their surveys.

    Most surveys pay from $5 dollars USD to $75 dollars USD, sometimes more or less. They can take anywhere from a few minutes to almost an hour to complete, depending on how much the company is paying you. The higher the dollar amount, the longer the survey will take to complete, generally.

    I personally can complete the $75 dollar surveys in about 50 minutes, so that can give you an idea of how much you can make if you did this full-time. The $5 dollar surveys takes me about 3 minutes to finish.

    Method Two: Data Entry Online This method involves filling in a few blank advertising text-boxes for various marketing companies. You get paid a commission if the company is able to sell their products through the ad you just typed in for them. This is far more lucrative than doing paid surveys, but does require a little startup capital of say, $25 dollars in addition to the memebership fee to join these companies.

    Legitimate companies will tell you what to input into the text-boxes and do all the marketing for you. These companies actually find it cheaper to pay someone on a commission basis to do some of the grunt work for them, while they can concentrate on marketing and creating sales-ads (which is what these companies tell you to input into the ad text-boxes).

    The scam companies want you to do all the work, come up with the marketing, pay for everything, including marketing costs, and then when the sales are made, they do not pay you your commission.

    Method Three: Auto-Surfing This is my new favorite form of making money online. It involves joining a website that will require you to "auto-surf" webpages for you to get paid. Auto-surfing is simply letting your web-browsesr visit websites submitted by advertisers for about 10-30 seconds each. When your browser visits the minimum amount of websites (usually 50), you are rewarded with money based on how much cash you paid into the auto-surfing website (this is called your membership/upgrade level). Note that I said your web-browser, not you, doing the work. That means you just log in, click the auto-surf link, and then let the computer do all the work for you. Making money does not get easier than this.

    Legitimate auto-surf programs will pay you on time. They spell out all the rules and agreements in their Frequently Asked Questions links. They also pay somewhere around 1% to 3% of your memebership level, each day. Any number higher than that is very likely a ponzi scheme. These auto-surf programs also are backed by businesses or foreign currency exchange, which is why they can afford to pay out such high returns. They also place a small cap on how high your membership level can go, which is how these programs stay in business and not make them go bankrupt. Some programs also have membership expirations, which means the amount of money you put into the programs disappears after a fixed time (usually 1 year). You are also usually limited to one or two accounts, in addition to the membership level cap.

    It is entirely possible to earn several thousand dollars a month doing legitimate auto-surf programs, but that usually costs around $20,000 dollars initially. The upside is, you can start auto-surfing with as little as $6 or $10 dollars, and work your way up from there, and still earn that 1%-3% per day on that.

    Scam auto-surf programs usually offer ridiculously high returns each day, with an impossible membership expiry duration. For example, an auto-surf that pays 7% daily and upgrades never expire, is very likely a ponzi scheme. However, an auto-surf that pays 12% daily with an expiry of 12 days, is not since if you really look closely at the numbers, the returns per month is relatively low, but high enough to keep everyone happy.

    Another sign of auto-surf scams is that they simply do not pay but continually ask for more money despite the company's "problems." It is best to go with auto-surfs that pay on time and have had relatively good reviews by people on the internet.

    Most autosurfs pay you weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. Any duration longer than that is asking for trouble.

    Sarah Lauren is a self-made rich woman who runs her own business reviews and scam-watch website at in addition to explaining her own personal experiences with various money-making online programs. She has spent several thousand dollars of her own money researching what are the legitimate programs and which are not (and losing thousands as well). She also explains

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    Wednesday, October 3, 2007

    The Importance Of French Property Surveys

    Give your opinion and answer some questions and you can earn a hefty amount! Ever heard of Paid Surveys?

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    In general, when people buy property in this part of France, they do not tend to have structural surveys done. This is very different to buying a property in the UK where nobody buys a property without having a survey.

    In the UK, a bank or building society will insist upon a valuation survey to make sure that the property in question is suitable collateral for the amount of the loan. In France, the lending source doesn't always require a survey. A lot of emphasis is put on "Honour" over here. So if you tell the bank that the house is worth 150,000?, why should they think otherwise?

    If you do want to get a Languedoc property survey done you can either have a friendly builder take a quick look, or you can have a formal survey done by a qualified surveyor. Languedoc Property Finders always work with companies who have RICS (Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors) qualified surveyors to survey your house for you. Weather you want a full written report, a bullet point report , a simple verbal report or a combination of these they can tailor a survey to suit your requirements.

    They will obviously look out for obvious things such as damp, the condition of the roof and any structural defects but they should also be able to advise you on whether the property is prone to flooding and any other information about the local area which could affect the future value or sale of your property.

    With my experience of selling property in both France and the UK I can't emphasis enough the importance of having a survey done on any property which you are buying. It would be like marrying someone without dating first!

    We have heard of people buying their dream holiday home and it turns into one disaster after another. We have also all seen the programs on TV which highlight both the ignorance and to a degree the laziness of many holiday home owners who seem to arrive in France with there heart and head no longer connected.

    To give you an example of the costs of the surveys we have just arranged a survey for some clients who were purchasing a ?150,000 house. The survey cost ?900, at first this seems a lot but it only represents just over 0.5% of the value of the property, this in my opinion is money well spent.

    Gary Ingram is a partner at Languedoc Property Finders are a personal property search company based in South West France. <br /> Visit our website: Languedoc Property Finders or call us on 0044 207 193 9341

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    Tuesday, October 2, 2007

    Disappointed with Paid Surveys Programs? Read this

    Give your opinion and answer some questions and you can earn a hefty amount! Ever heard of Paid Surveys?

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    Have you noticed the tremendous amount of websites promising lists of Paid Survey companies that will generate a good amount of money only for filling out their surveys?

    This Membership website usually charges from $19.99 to sometimes even $39.99 in order to have access to these lists.

    The problem with most of this websites is that their lists are sometimes outdated or the paid surveys companies do not accept more aplications, etc, etc. I know plenty of people that paid a lot of money joining these sites and never gain a return for their investments.

    The good news is that you don't have to pay ever again for these paid survey companies and the truth is that you can really get paid for filling out surveys online, go shopping, go to restaurants, try products, etc. I've been doing this for more than 2 years and it really works. Just a short amount of time is invested, and you are paid for your opinion.... isn't that terrific!! I encorauge you to look for information on this. I personally have information avialable in my Newsletter that you can use to start making money with these programs and it's FREE!

    Something to keep in mind:

    It can take a few days or even longer to start receiving paid survey invitations. A lot depends on your demographics. Please keep in mind that you will not qualify for every online survey. Some paid surveys are targeted to to specific details, such as your gender, the zip code you live in, etc.

    This is one of the reasons I highly recommend that you get registered with multiple survey sites. In doing so you'll receive more survey invitations and thus you'll be able to do more paid surveys online. But most important of all: Never Give up! This is really happening out there, why not get a piece of the pie?? I am makeing a living with this program and you can too, just keep looking for Free information. Good Luck!

    Ngullen Rivera publishes the acclaimed Advanced Paid Survey Review & News blog. A professional blog with a refreshing perspective and a strong focus on no-cost Paid Surveys List. FREE Tips, Tricks, Tools, Resources, eBooks, and More!

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