Profit From On-line Self-Surveys
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By Stephen Bucaro
Which subject do you think people are most interested in? a) money, b) movie stars c) themselves. If you answered c, give yourself five points and move on to an interesting Web business opportunity: on-line self-surveys.
People love to learn about themselves by taking those little self-surveys found in magazines. Here are some possible survey topics:
- Marital happiness
- Romantic relationships - Likely success in business - Likely success in career - Healthy lifestyle
There are many more possible topic areas like creativity, child rearing, and negotiating.
Your Web site provides these surveys and the results of the surveys on-line for free. You make money with back-end products. Here are some possible back-end products:
- Self-help books or ebooks - Training materials
- Topic related newsletters - More in-depth self analysis - Personal coaching
After taking a survey, many people will learn that they could use a little improvement in that area, resulting in the purchase of these back-end products. The interesting thing is that the people who receive positive results will also purchase some of these back-end products. People love to learn that they are good at something and this motivates them to further develop that area.
The nice thing about surveys is - after an individual receives their results, they develop an insatiable curiosity about how their mate or best friend would score on the same test. This results in a flow of referrals to your web site.
How to create surveys:
- Obviously you will have to study the subject area a bit before you can develop survey questions. - Provide enough survey questions to produce relevant results, but not so many as to make the survey a chore, say around 20 questions. - Test your questions with friends and relatives to make sure they are worded correctly.
How to create a surveys Web site:
- Each survey is a Web form. Spice up your forms by adding a background image, colorful text, and a graphic submit button.
- Provide the ability for the user to email the survey to a friend. This will result in more traffic to your Web site. - On the Web page that presents the results, provide a congratulatory, or encouragement message, along with a subscription form for your newsletter. - On your Web site, post articles related to your surveys for search engines to find.
The thing people are most interested in is themselves. You can receive substantial traffic to your web site by providing free on-line self-surveys. How can you can profit from a Web site that provides on-line self-surveys? a) promoting an MLM program b) promoting credit cards c) selling back-end products. If you answered c, prepare to start a successful Web business. ----------------------------------------------------------- Resource Box:
To learn how to maintain your computer and use it more effectively to design a Web site and make money on the Web visit To subscribe to Bucaro TecHelp Newsletter Send a blank email to -----------------------------------------------------------
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