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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Online Surveys: Scam or Pay Day?

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I recently read an article proclaiming all online survey databases to be scams.

I think many of these complaints betray the sad state of "get rich quickism" that pervades many people online.

The thinking goes "Bill Gates made billions with a computer, so I should just be able to turn mine on and get money to gush out."

I don't believe in luck, but "Good luck" if you believe that's really possible, nothing I say will make sense.

On the other hand, perhaps these facts will help you make REAL money through online surveys.

1) It's true, you'll never get rich doing online surveys. By rich I mean $100,000 or more per year. But really, only 1 ro 2% of the population reaches that income level doing ANYTHING. Some doctors don't even earn that much after expenses and malpractice insurance.

But many stay and home moms or dads don't NEED to earn that much.

Think of it this way mom... how much do you bring home from work?

How much do your have to pay to support your working habit? That is... extra child care costs, lunches out, gasoline, wardrobe expense, the extra cost of eating dinner out because you had to work late and couldn't cook.

And what's the emotional loss to your children or being raised by a stranger?

Unfortunately, many find that the actual profits from mom working outside the home (or working a second job if she's a single mom) are slim indeed.

So you don't NEED to earn a million bucks to replace that.

If you can earn $4 for a 10 minute survey, that's the equivalent of $24 per hour! From home, at your computer. (Or at work on a break...) Some earn much more per hour of course but let's be realistic.

If you really need to earn only $100 extra per week, that's 30 surveys or less. (I can already hear the next objection coming...)

2) But you can't get 30 surveys per week!

Oh really? How many survey firms did you register with? Did you know that one disabled woman who HAD to earn extra money in a low stress job earned (on average) $2,500 to $4,700 monthly? Just by surveys and focus groups?

It's true. She kept on registering with many, many survey firms until she reached the point where she was getting enough surveys every day to generate the income she needed.

That's where having the RIGHT database comes in ...if you join a database with 400+ survey firms listed, you'll more likely reach your goal.

3) But I can find them myself... why pay? I'm sure you can find them yourself. I looked for 6 months off and on to find a "get paid to drive" program. But the cost of my time even at minimum wage was more than the cost of the database. I did cheat though and get the list for free when I paid to join a survey database. If it will take you more than 7 hours to find 450 survey companies, I suggest you just pay $34.95 to join a real database.

The best ones give you "drive for free" and "mystery shopping" listings for free too!

4) By far the most complaints come from those who don't treat this (or anything) like a BUSINESS. If you work at this systematically and persistently. You can create a second income stream to improve your life and lifestyle.

Happy surveying.
For more information visit:

Chuck Huckaby
It's your Demolish Debt and Escape the Rat Race Portal. There's so much information there, it's like getting a f r e e ebook on every page.
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